fly design Trends in Fly Innovation can we expect new innovations in fly patterns to continue forever?
trigger points Featured Attracting Rises from Trout Wisdom from a forgotten book: Why do trout rise to a dry fly? Exploring LaFontaine's lost ideas on attractors
fly tying Get the Wings Right on the Chubby Chernobyl Despite being a Swiss Army knife pattern, fly tyers seem to struggle with the wing on the Chubby Chernobyl
Members only tarpon More Clues on Fish Vision (Tarpon Edition) We're diving into the wide world of tarpon vision, a place more vivid than humans might imagine...
behind the scenes Behind the Scenes Unveiling the creative process from idea to ink for Due West Angler's distinctive articles on fly fishing + science + conservation
grasshoppers Featured Pink Grasshoppers Really Do Exist In our never-ending quest to explain why unexpected colors work as fly patterns I found some insights in an unlikely place... the museum...
Members only largemouth bass More Clues on Fish Vision (Bass Edition) Can fish see color? Bass don't see our flies like you'd expect...
salmonflies Improving the Salmonfly Dry Fly We walk through tying a modified 64 Impala fly pattern and clarify how to customize this recipe to match the hatch beyond the original
Members only sculpin Featured Phantom Sculpins of the South Platte Why would a trout eat a sculpin fly in a river without sculpin?
fly tying 3 Under Appreciated Fly Tying Materials for Trout Fly Tying: I want to highlight some under-appreciated materials that look incredible
fly design What Makes a Fly a Classic? Fly tying: You may have heard that there are no original stories anymore, or that movies are all remakes... the same is true for flies
stillwater Why Don't We See More Chartreuse in Stillwater Trout Flies? Do you recall any chartreuse flies for trout when shopping at your average fly shop?
Members only terrestrials The Colorful World of Grasshoppers Fly tying: What are the best colors for tying and fishing grasshoppers. Check out our breakdown.