tailwater Story From The Road: Blind Pigs What is it about youth that pushes you to do stupid things? You combine that with trout madness and you've got a recipe for delinquency.
conservation concept Conservation Concept: Tragedy of the Commons For every angler, tragedy of the commons is a core concept you should know about
technical trout Catch More Trout with These Articles Fly fishing: Let's discuss everything from approaching the water, to rigging, flies, and dealing with picky trout.
steelhead The Weird Biology of Half-Pounder Steelhead Fly fishing: Let's take a look at the weird biology of half-pounder Steelhead
terrestrials Silver Linings Fly Box: Grasshoppers and Drought Fly fishing: There is one interesting byproduct of the drought that could serve to favor trout anglers when fishing hoppers
cutthroat Native Trout South of the Border? Native species of trout can be found in North America as far south as the tip of Baja California. Are these the rarest trout?
conservation concept Conservation Concept: Shifting Baseline Syndrome Grandpa might have been right after all: The fishing just ain't what it used to be...
climate change Western Trout Rivers: An Angler's Prospectus Fly fishing: Out west, with years of lingering drought, and now reports of declining trout populations in the holy-waters of Montana...
fly tying Weird Flies That Work: Polar Shrimp Fly fishing: An unexpected pattern to be treasured by a Rocky Mountain trout angler
euronymphing Story From The Road: The Euro Litmus Test Fly fishing: Euro nymphing vs. indicator nymphing go head to head
Members only barometric pressure Myth-Busting: The Barometric Pressure Debate Lets look at the Barometric Pressure debate, one of the most enigmatic topics in fly fishing.
grass carp Story From The Road: Mudwrestling Our fly fishing story of landing an unlikely fish, and navigating the 9-5 grind
Lakes The Elephant in the River Fly fishing: We're all going to have to deal with river overcrowding at some point in the future, if not already.
cutthroat Story From The Road: The Cattle Drive Fishing story: You don't know what's going to happen when you find yourself fishing in the middle of a cattle drive...
essential reads End of the Year Round Up: Best of 2021 We revisit the best fly fishing articles from 2021. Covering topics from alpine ice-off to fish behavior.
Members only behavior The Dynamics of Fish Spooking Why do fish spook? Why don't fish spook? Let's investigate.
behavior Sibling Rivalry? Behavioral Differences When Browns and Rainbows Share a Stream Rainbow Trout vs Brown Trout , the Ultimate Battle
fly design What Makes a Fly a Classic? Fly tying: You may have heard that there are no original stories anymore, or that movies are all remakes... the same is true for flies
geography Headwaters Shootout How does water move across the West? Which state is the West's true headwaters state?
stillwater Why Don't We See More Chartreuse in Stillwater Trout Flies? Do you recall any chartreuse flies for trout when shopping at your average fly shop?
Members only terrestrials The Colorful World of Grasshoppers Fly tying: What are the best colors for tying and fishing grasshoppers. Check out our breakdown.
fly tying Weird Flies That Work: Slovakian Super Heavy Nymph Fly tying: Slovak Super Heavy nymphs are not messing around when it comes to getting deep.
cutthroat Using Nature's Engineers to Slow Early Runoff Before civil engineering ever existed, there were animals shaping rivers across N. America. Have we forgotten the benefits they offer?