Best of 2024: Yearly Round-Up
Highlighting the essential reads from 2024's lineup of fly-fishing articles from the brains at DWA

2025... Really? Not ready for that yet. If you've been around for a while you know we like to wrap up each year with a recap. Thanks everyone who's stopped by our site in 2024.

Most Popular Articles
- The wide world of fly boxes spans all shapes and sizes, foam, silicone inserts, and we sort through the offerings in our Fly Box Shootout.
Fly Box Shootout (Fly Fishing)
Umpqua, Cliff, Fishpond, Tacky, Plano, Fin River, Yakoda, what’s the best fly box?

- We wrote a review of a new favorite: Instant Favorite: TFO Axiom II-X. Saying it’s a favorite is an understatement.
Instant Favorite: TFO Axiom II-X (Fly Rod)
This fly rod has become an instant favorite, reviewing the tfo axiom 2-x fly rod

- We detailed what clues a fish tail can tell you about the fish. Channel your inner zoologist in Useful Biology: What a Fish Tail Teaches Anglers.
Useful Biology: What A Fish Tail Teaches Anglers
We can learn clues about fish by simply understanding how tail shapes differ (Fly Fishing)

Our Favorites from 2024
Sometimes the most fun articles to write, or most interesting rabbit holes to explore don't get the same widespread attention. Nevertheless, here are three of our favorites from the past year that are worth a second look.
- I spent extended effort improving my casting this year and picked up some handy visualization ideas. They prove useful everyday I fish and I outline the ideas here: Visualize Better Fly Casting.
How to Visualize Better Fly Casting
tips to visualize better casting efficiency (fly fishing)
- The interactions between beadhead nymphs in a roiling river and the turbulent forces that carry them down crystalize in our article exploring Nymphing vs Turbulence.
Nymphing vs Turbulence (Fly Fishing)
The nymphing angler is locked in a perennial quest to fish deeper because rivers fight back…

- Take the time to study Gary LaFontaine's work with us in Attracting Rises from Trout. He was thirty years ahead of his time, maybe even thirty years ahead of today. LaFontaine's writing is worth studying.
Attracting Rises from Trout (Fly Fishing Dry Flies)
Wisdom from a forgotten book: Why do trout rise to a dry fly? Exploring LaFontaine’s lost ideas on attractors